

Blogger Feature: Meet Laura! (:

♥ Name: Laura Elise
♥ Age: 19
♥ Location: South Coast NSW, Australia
♥ Website:

♥ What do you blog about?
I mostly blog about my own outfits and my own fashion interests, but I've also done a few discussion posts, they're always fun to have a chat with your readers and find out their opinions on current affair issues.

♥ What inspired you to start blogging?
I was first inspired to start my own blog through reading other fashion blogs. I would read these blogs that had thousands of followers and think 'I can do that.' I love fashion, writing and photography so what better way to combine my three loves than through my very own fashion blog.

♥ Favorite part about blogging?
I love getting to know people from around the world. I love being able to chat with my readers and share my own experience of fashion with them, and in turn see how they style their own outfits.

♥ If you could havelunch with one designer, who?

The late Alexander McQueen, not only was he a brilliant designer who changed the face of fashion. But whenever I heard/read interviews with him he seems like such a vivacious man with a genuine love of life. He seems like he would have been a great person to sit down and have a few too many drinks with.

♥ What does fashion mean to you?
Fashion to me is a way to be creative. Styling an outfit is in a way like creating art, it's all about having the perfect balance of colour, texture and size. Creating the perfect outfit requires a lot of thought and a lot of creativity and I just love the process of creating the outfits that I display on my blog.

♥ Favorite thingin your closet?

Definitely my new JC Lita shoes that I picked up secondhand for only $30. I've been wanting a pair of ages to actually getting to finally wear a pair was amazing.

♥ Your favorite blog to read?
I'm a huge fan of Margaret Zhang at Shine By Three, she has such great style and she's my age so it's nice to see someone so strong in the blogging community who is the same age as I am.

♥ Favorite place to shop?
Charity stores! I always manage to find amazing finds for bargain prices. Charity stores are always the first place I look when I'm trying to find something new to add to my wardrobe.

♥ Other hobbies?
I'm a humongous nerd, I love reading. I work part time in a bookstore so my shelves at home are literally over flowing!


I love Laura's vintage style. It's so chic, cute and relaxed with a bit of edge! Plus she's a nerd like me ^_^ Follow her blog Wrinkle In Time Vintage!

Want to be featured like Laura? Contact me!

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