

Lovely Links.

Hello Loves!

I planned to post some lovley links to blogs, vlogs and sites every Sunday, but some sundays I'm too busy with art homework! Anyways, here are some links I stumbled upon this week that I found helpful and interesting. Check them out!

♥I always find blogs about improving and transitiong your blog very useful. Every tip helps and this post by The Lingere Addict on IFB did help me.

♥ I am currently in the proccess of improving my outfit photos (perferably inside). I finally found some pretty useful tips from a ModCloth blog. Hopefully if anyone else needs to improve their outfit photos they can use this link too! If anyone has some tips for me themselves feel free to let know!

♥ It's that time of the year; Christmas shopping! For some, like me, Christmas shopping could mean excessive shopping for gifts. Here's some Shopping Psych 101 tips (a hiliarous one, even for men!) for holiday shopping that I found very interesting.

♥ I loved the photos of Tim Walker's 2009 Harper's Bazzar editorial that Rachel featured in her bog, The Fashion Ambasidor, but what I loved even more was Rachel's idea for an editiorial. Although Tim Walker had already done it, Rachel had planned an editorial photoshoot for a class with the character Edward Scissorhands. I'm a sucker for creative and innovative people! :)

♥ Right now I am interested in knowing how to sew. I found these fashion sewing tips for beginners very useful.

♥ Did you know that chewing gum stimulates the brain? While doing some research I came across this and found it odd and cool. Now if teachers say anything about chewing gum in class, just point this fact out!

♥ V-Blog beauty expert, Michel Phan, made this pretty cool video on making your own pore strips. If you don't know what they are, they're strips that go over your nose and pulls up dirt and oil. They can be pretty expensive if you use them on a regular basis which is why i found this video pretty interesting. I didn't know you could MAKE pore strips!


  1. TheFashionAmbassadorDecember 11, 2010 at 9:47 PM

    Thank you for mentioning my blog! :)
    And the video you posted is amazing! I'm definitely going to be trying a homemade pore strip soon!!

    ❤ Rachael

  2. No problem! and thanks! :)
